Switch Guarantee

Two ways to improve your records management
Two ways we give financial support
Free Box Audit
Companies often find that they have unidentified boxes. Without sufficient information, it can be very expensive and time-consuming to recall the boxes and investigate what information is contained in each box.
SDM offers a free box audit as part of our relocation package that identifies any gaps in your inventory and any boxes that are past their review/retention date.
Free Destruction
Destruction charges discourage companies to comply with data protection laws. These charges incentivise the number of records in storage to grow.
SDM allow any record to be destroyed free of charge within the first year, allowing you to get your house in order. We have found that on average we have reduced client’s archives by 25% based on the last 10 clients we have relocated.
Additionally, any record that has been with us for 6 years can be destroyed for free. If you want to reduce your archive, SDM are the most cost-effective solution.
Full Termination Fee Refund
The dreaded termination fees. These are designed to prevent clients from switching accounts and often companies stay with their incumbent just to avoid dealing with them.
SDM offers a full termination refund. You simply send off for a termination quote with your incumbent, we help you review the quote then you raise an invoice to SDM to pay the amount in full.
Free Relocation
Relocation charges are charged per box and per truck, with any supplies that are used.
SDM offers a free relocation by paying for all the supplies and transport with our internal relocation team arranging the whole move.
Secure Data Management offers this service as part of a 12-month switch guarantee.
We save our clients between 20% – 50% compared to their previous providers.
Contact us below for further details.
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