Document Shredding Services

You should review and destroy your redundant documents when they pass their retention period. Choosing to shred your documents with us also reduces your carbon footprint. Our partners ensure that all records are securely shredded, pulped and recycled to BS EN 15713 standard.
Shredding Consoles
Make the most of limited office space with periodic collections of your confidential paper waste for secure offsite destruction. We provide three types of shredding console and manage a hassle free, inexpensive and reliable collection service for your paper waste. Security seals and destruction certificates are provided.

Confidential Shredding Services
Your documents are shredded in our highly secure environment, ensuring confidentiality is maintained throughout. Destruction certificates are provided as proof of your audits.

Optimise limited office space with periodic collections of your confidential paper for secure offsite destruction. We provide free shredding containers and manage a hassle free, inexpensive and reliable collection service for your paper waste. Security seals and destruction certificates are provided.

Retention Policies
Our consultants can help determine retention timeframes on a per file or document basis, meaning you can set safe destruction dates. Easily manage these retention dates using our online archiving platform. Accurate retention is a cost effective best practice which is legally required.

Ad-hoc Shredding
Ad-hoc or regular scheduled services provide businesses with a dependable shredding solution. Have sensitive waste paper collected at pre-agreed intervals, saving your company valuable time in arranging collections. If you are an existing archive storage client this eliminates additional transport costs.
Our operations centre is located in Battersea and is ideal for rapid access to all London based offices. This storage centre is fully equipped with the latest security, fire and data protection technology.
We manage a further two facilities in the Swindon area. All of our facilities are guarded by 24-hour security and video surveillance systems, ensuring that your documents stay confidential and secure, right up until the date they are eventually shredded.
Each 55L shredding bin contains a heavy-duty destruction sack that we can collect upon request or to a schedule of your choosing. All bags are individually sealed with a unique security tag, retrieved to our facilities and shredded in a confidential environment.
Your records are shredded to at least 16mm cross-cut, before being pulped and recycled. Request a free SDM shredding container today to keep on top of the office clutter and demonstrate your commitment to the environment.
SDM securely shred all documents to the following standards:
- 16mm cross cut as standard, options to shred as low as 4mm cross cut.
- ISO 27001 Quality Management System
- Our third party partners provide BS EN 15713 Security Shredding & Staff Vetting standards
- Group holders of ISO14001 Environmental Standard
- The paper is fully recycled in a closed loop system
Start A Retention Schedule
As outlined in Principle 5 of the Data Protection Act, businesses are required to review the amount of time they keep personal data. A time-based retention and shredding schedule will ensure that your business complies with this legislation to avoid hefty fines of up to £500,000.
Get A Shredding Quote
With over 25 years of experience in this industry, we are experts at the storage, management and destruction of business archives. We can help you in every aspect of your document management needs, including a reliable and cost-effective shredding service. Get in touch for a quote.